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Friday, March 20, 2009

Going Green

Going green is something that I have been wanting to work towards for a couple of years now. I decided that I would start by recycling more at home and remembering to use my cloth bags at the Commissary. So far - so good. I have been amazed at how much the amount of trash we put out in a week has decreased.

The next step in my plan was to try and use more earth friendly products. I read the book Green This! Volume 1: Greening Your Cleaning byDeirdre Imus. Some of the suggestions are a bit too extreme for me at the moment, but the cleaning suggestions are great. I basically use four items to clean my entire house. I use baking soda, distilled white vinegar, lemon juice, and a 100% natural multi-purpose cleaner (put out by Simple Green). Both baking soda and vinegar are very inexpensive, which also makes my cleaning bill cheaper. The multi-purpose cleaner can be used on almost any surface and also cleans glass.

Here is a link to a coupon for any cleaner by Seventh Generation.

I love how fresh and light my bathroom smells after cleaning it now. No more headaches from strong chemicals! I love that I can use the multi-purpose cleaner on my counters and not worry if food touches it. The great thing about vinegar is that it is a disinfectant.

Here is a link that gives some uses for baking soda and vinegar in your cleaning:

Cleaning With Baking Soda and Vinegar

And another one for all general cleaning: General CleaningI have also started buying all natural products to wash our dishes. Our store carries Seventh Generation line. I buy both the dish soap for washing dishes by hand and the dishwasher liquid for the machine.

They are a bit more expensive than the other brands, but I feel the price is worth it to have a safe product. I do believe that the price of these items will start to go down once more people make the switch. Seventh Generation also has toilet paper and paper towels (we purchase both - although we try not to use paper towels unless we really need to).


  1. Try Fresh Fields for their cleaning supplies. Also you can shop online at drugstore.com for some great cleaners. I used ECOS laundry detergent for years and it works. You don't need to use a full cup of the stuff to get your clothes clean. My plan is to start using it again when we return to the States and I don't have to wait two weeks for it to arrive in the mail...

  2. Ooh - I like green cleaning, too! I pretty much only use baking soda, vinegar (diluted in a spray bottle - I use that for mirrors, too), and dish soap for a couple of granite bathroom counters. I do use orange oil spray stuff on the wood sometimes, though - that's about as fancy as I get. I love that the kids can help me clean without using a lot of chemicals, too! Oh, yeah - I also use vinegar as fabric softener so I use half as much laundry detergent.


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