One of the first things we did upon arrival in our new city was to make our way to the closest public library and sign up for library cards. We also got the boys signed up for the Summer Reading Program. (Check your local library as most libraries have a similar program. While doing a search for this post, I also found out that Barnes and Noble has a summer reading program, too.) I recently decided to institute a one hour quiet/reading time each day (this is in addition to their normal reading time before bed). This serves two purposes. It helps the boys achieve their reading goals for the program andit allows me to maintain some sanity during these next five months that Chuck is in Florida.
While I love the library and think it is an amazing resource, it does not diminish my need to have our own home library! Here is what the boys' home library consists of:

That is only half (or maybe even a third) of what we use to have. I have donated many books to the library and the boys' previous school. There are also some more chapter books on my bookshelves and a few books in Sully's room. I think it was very important for children to have a large selection of books to choose from whenever the urge to read strikes. Instilling a love of reading in my children has always been high on my parenting list.
Since we have so many of our own books, it is important that library books have their own special place. This makes it much easier to keep track of them all! I have taken to using some empty shelves in our storage cubbies (down in the living room - their bookshelves are in their room) for our precious borrowed books.

Now - shall we actually get to the books the boys are currently reading??
All three boys are mostly into non-fiction these day. Here are a few of the books we currently have out from the library:
Plants by Sally Hewitt (from the Start Science series)
The Magic School Bus Inside a Beehive by Joanna Cole
The Causes of World War I by Tony Allan
Animal Planet The Most Extreme Bugs by Catherine Nichols
Dragonfly by Stephanie St. Pierre
How Many Baby Pandas? by Sandra Markle
The Magic School Bus Inside a Beehive by Joanna Cole
The Causes of World War I by Tony Allan
Animal Planet The Most Extreme Bugs by Catherine Nichols
Dragonfly by Stephanie St. Pierre
How Many Baby Pandas? by Sandra Markle
One of Connor's big interests is geography. Three books that we have from our own library that he loves are:
The Scrambled States of America by Laurie Keller
Smart About the Fifty States by Jon Buller
Don't Know Much About the 50 States by Kenneth C. Davis
Smart About the Fifty States by Jon Buller
Don't Know Much About the 50 States by Kenneth C. Davis
I will admit something embarrassing to you right here and now. Are you ready? My five year old son knows more state and country capitals than I do. Let's just say geography has never been one of my strong points, which is pretty sad coming from someone who loves travel as much as I do!
A couple of great board games to help children (and, uhhhh - adults too!) learn geography are:
I can recommend the first one since we actually own it and play it often. The other two are on our wish list and the reviews at Amazon are positive.
Can you tell my boys love science and history??
I will leave you with some exciting news. Owen has graciously agreed to be a guest poster once a month here at Will Travel by Foot. Each month he (along with my approval) will pick a different book to read and review. Some will be picture books, while others will be more meatier chapter books. Perhaps there will also be a video review. The first book that Owen has chosen to review is Are We There Yet by Alison Lester. (This has been changed from when I first published this entry due to Mr. Reviewer changing his book choice.) Look for Owen's debut coming soon!
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