The first thing I do when planning a party is to do research online to help me come up with ideas. Planning a party doesn't have to be expensive. I knew I wanted to make our own invitations this year and I was able to do so using items we already had at home. I found a website, Lego Digital Designer, that my husband used to make a border out of legos. We uploaded the border to Adobe Photoshop and added our party information. Here is the back of the invitation:

I then used card stock and a nifty hole puncher from Michael's and made Legos for the front:
One site that I like to use for party ideas is Birthday Party Ideas. I decided that buying solid colors for napkins, plates, cups, and silverware would work out really well. My oldest made a Lego centerpiece for the table and this is what it looked like for the party:

We decorated the outside and inside with blue, green, red, and yellow streamers.

The boys all ready for their big day:

And of course - it wouldn't be a birthday party without a cake! I basically followed this idea at Family Fun Magazine for their Lego cake. I liked the idea of making two 9 X 9 cakes instead of one 9 X 13 because it allowed me to do a chocolate and a vanilla. It was pretty easy to make and a big hit. Again, making your own cake instead of buying one can save a lot of money. And they're not difficult to make. Trust me - if I can do it - anybody can!

When the kids arrived they got to decorate their goodie bag with markers and stickers. I also had them guess how many Legos were in a jar. Some children played with the Legos on the table for a while and others moved to the living room where I had many more Legos out for play, including many different sizes (Mega Blocks). The older kids got to participate in a scavenger hunt, while the younger ones played a game where they had to put a Lego under their chin and try to drop it in a milk jug (the top had been cut off). Lastly, there was a ring toss game where they had to try to toss a ring (a plate with the middle cut out) onto a tower of Legos.
Everyone had a wonderful time and we look forward to seeing what next year's birthdays will bring.
The boys birthday party sounded like a hit, and the cakes look yummy too!
ReplyDeleteI always wanted to ask if you and Chuck had planned for the boy's birthdays to be so close together? How do you like your new town so far?
LOL No - wasn't really planned. ;-) After the boys each turned 12 - 15 months I felt ready to try again for another. Owen took a few months to conceive and Connor was right away. Just worked out that way.
ReplyDeleteLoving VA Beach! I think we'll be very happy here. How are you guys doing? How much longer do you have in Japan?
I loved the cake! But, alas, I like bought ones better, especially when I have 3 separate birthdays!
ReplyDeleteThe party looks so much fun :)