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Monday, July 6, 2009

Hidden Lincoln

Want to know something cool?

Go find a penny and turn it over to the "back" with the Lincoln Memorial. Look closely at the middle of the Memorial. Do you see Lincoln?

Isn't that neat? If you already knew about it could you maybe humor me and pretend I told you something new?

During our 4th of July celebration, the boys made Lincoln Penny Pendants. We also read all about the penny and learned about the hidden Lincoln. I love learning about stuff like that.

I plan to post all of our Independence Day activities, but it's going to take me longer than I thought to get everything together. I've had some new ideas for my blog/website and am hoping to announce that soon. In the meantime, I hope the hidden Lincoln and this picture of the boys on the 4th of July will do.

1 comment:

  1. Those are some good picture of the boys...must have been a little sunny outside. Are Owen and Sully a little lispy wit there missing teeth?


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