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Monday, March 22, 2010

Beach Trip Can Be Science for Homeschoolers

We had such amazing weather this weekend. Since we live so close to the beach, it was an easy decision to head over to our favorite spot for a couple of hours. The boys and I had a blast combing the beach looking for interesting things.

When we got home, my 7-year-old went to work sorting and classifying his shells without any prompting from me. This is what homeschooling is all about - kids learning in a natural way and motivated by their own interests.

I wanted to add to my son's idea by extending their learning about shells. We stopped at the library and took out a few books to help us.

I found a great list of ideas for a unit study on seashells. I also found a lesson plan to help explain what scientific classification is about.

Maybe we'll make a seashell mobile when we're finished. Do you have an interesting and fun way to learn about science?

1 comment:

  1. HI! I found your blog while googling letterboxing in our area :)

    My daughter and I did the same thing last weekend including the trip to the library too :) I love how their young minds work.


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