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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Go Green with Recycled/Disposable Sandwich Containers

Family Fun Magazine was full of great ideas this month! I thought their idea for making sandwich containers was a wonderful way to reuse milk jugs. This project would be more worthwhile for those who send their kids to school with a lunch, but I still had fun making mine. And, yes, I really did say fun.

You can check out the directions here.

I plan to use ours when we take a picnic or a trip. They're made from recycled materials, can be washed and reused, provide a bit more protection to a delicate sandwich than the average Ziploc bag, and if one gets thrown away or damaged, it's no big deal. You can always make more!

Check out Life as MOM for more Ultimate Recipe Swaps.


  1. Pretty cool. I think that was a great plan.

  2. Ooo these are neat! I need to check them out more.

  3. How cool! Love the concept. Does the sandwich dry out? That's what I've been wondering about the new hip reusables.

  4. I haven't tried them out yet so I'm not sure on the drying out part. Being homeschoolers like y'all, we don't get much opportunity to pack lunches. Now that the weather is cooling off, we'll have to plan a picnic and give them a try.

  5. I love this. I am SO into sandwich containers, and sandwiches, and sandwich people. Love your blog. Thanks,, Keri



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