I catch a cold.
I blow my nose.
I cough myself to sleep.
I begin to recover.
And then the cycle begins all over again.
The latest virus to hit the family brought strep to Owen, an ear infection to Sully, and a lovely cough to Connor and myself. Somehow Chuck escaped falling ill?? I'm usually the healthy one so I have no idea what is going on this season. I've had no energy the past week so writing has fallen by the wayside.
Enough of my whining - on to more uplifting things. I had hoped to have some video to post with the news that Sully and Owen learned how to ride their bikes without training wheels two weeks ago. It was a very exciting day for all of us. We had some lovely weather the weekend they ditched the training wheels, but since then the cold has returned. As soon as we're able to get them back out again I promise to get some video.
Because of the never ending illness, Valentine's Day wasn't exactly as I had hoped. Chuck and I planned on making dinner at home with candlelight and all of those romantic extras. All I could muster was some delicious Quesedillas in front of the TV. I did manage to stay awake while we watched The Bank Job (and trust me - as tired as I was - that was quite an accomplishment!). I received some lovely flowers from Chuck:
The boys' Aunt Gaye, our sister-in-law, sent them some awesome shirts for Valentine's Day. They all wore them to school on Friday for their parties.
Another reason why I put off blogging was because I said I would let you all know what we heard about our orders. Well, all four choices were denied. I was so frustrated that I simply didn't want to talk about it. We have put in four more choices, but this will be our last chance to choose something and I'm not holding out any hope that anything will be accepted. I need to know if we're staying here in Maryland or not because if we are, I need to register Connor for kindergarten (!!!!) soon.
Chuck is finishing up his current class and we're all glad about that. It's been keeping him pretty busy. We're also very excited about our upcoming trip to Disney World! Thanks to the great discounts Disney is offering the military this year, we decided to make a trip at the end of March. I get to celebrate my 35th birthday at the Magic Kingdom - how cool is that?! I could really use some sunshine and warm weather right about now - not to mention some of those good feelings that surround you when you're in the World.
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