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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Book Basket Thursday

We shall start Book Basket Thursday off with seven-year-old Owen's first book review. Owen chose Are We There Yet? by Alison Lester. (He had previously chosen a different book to review, but changed his mind.)

(The following was written by Owen. I only edited a few misspelled words.)

"Grace and her brothers, Luke and Billy, missed school for the whole winter term because they're going on a trip around Australia. Their pets are a dog, a cat, and a horse named Buffy, Tiger, and Bess. A camper was their house for three months.

Grace felt happy and sad at the same time. She felt this way because she was leaving her house. On the trip Luke said, "Look. A pelican. Its beak can hold more than its belly can."

My favorite part of the whole story is when they make the letters YMCA at Murphy's Haystacks.

My opinion of this book is that it's a great book."

We did make a video of Owen discussing Are We There Yet?, but I'm having some problems uploading it. If I can get it working, I'll add it in here.

Connor's pick at the library this week was Scrambled States of America Talent Show by Laurie Keller. Both Connor and Owen have read it numerous times already. This one is particularly witty. We highly recommend it.

Sully and I began reading Eragon by Christopher Paolini together this week. I started reading it aloud, but he decided to pick it up on his own and continue reading. He's quite a bit ahead of me at this point so I need to catch up! I'm really enjoying Paolini's writing style.

Next week look for a review by another member of the family. We've decided to take turns each week. Happy reading!

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that the sight is pretty snazzy and I am really impressed so far. I hope that you are all having fun with the home schooling and if I can figure a way to cook here in the room I will try making some of the recipies.


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