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Monday, September 14, 2009

Letterboxing on a Sunday Afternoon

If you've been reading this blog for a while, then you know that I love letterboxing. When we moved to Virginia in June, I was happy to see that there were lots of boxes planted around our area. We attempted to find one back in early June, but could not complete our mission due to some high water levels.

We don't do much letterboxing during the hot summer months so I was happy to take advantage of the cooler temperatures we've been experiencing and head out to try our luck again. I even remembered to bring my camera along!

Before we get to the photographs, I thought I would give a few more letterboxing tips.

♦ When looking for letterboxes on the Atlas Quest website, be sure to read through the clues thoroughly before deciding to go look for a certain box. Some of the boxes require compasses to find them. Some require long hikes to reach them. There's nothing worse than driving to a location only to begin your adventure and realize you're not going to be able to do it.

♦ There are many popular places that have more than one letterbox planted by different people. It's wonderful if you can print out clues to numerous boxes at one location to increase your chances of finding a box and maybe hitting multiples in one try.

♦ Make sure you are dressed appropriately. Many letterboxes are planted off the beaten path, which means someone is going to have to head into the bushes. It's a good idea that at least one person in your party wear long pants and sneakers/hiking boots for protection. You might encounter poison ivy, snakes, or prickly bushes and it's best to be prepared.

Now, on with our adventure on Sunday...

This box was easy to find, but it was underneath a rock and there were lots of slugs attached.

These water towers were part of our clue.

Of course, in the boys' opinions, we go letterboxing so they can play at new playgrounds.

The second letterbox we went looking for was supposed to be at Cape Henry Lighthouse. Long story, but we couldn't get to it. I was still glad to have an opportunity to take some pictures.


  1. This light house is really neat... Did you go into it?

  2. No. Connor didn't reach the height requirement. I'm sure we'll get to it at some point in the next three years.

  3. They have a height requirement to go inside? Now I've heard it all. LOL


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