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Monday, March 8, 2010

What's in Your Book Stack?

Mondays are a good day to take a peek at what everyone is reading. All members in our family have numerous books going at one time. I quickly rounded up just a few to share today.

During a recent trip the library, Connor picked out the Human Body book. He usually sticks with non-fiction although a couple of picture books did make their way home the other day.

Owen is reading through the series by Cressida Cowell about Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III. The first book in the series, How to Train Your Dragon, is hitting theaters on March 26th and we are all excited to go see it. I have not read these books myself, but Sully flew through them and Owen seems to enjoy them too.

Sullivan is reading some graphic novels from the Artemis Fowl series. Graphic novels are always a hit in this house. He is also starting the Spiderwick Chronicles series, but I couldn't find a copy of the book for the picture.

During our studies, the boys are reading A Lion to Guard Us and I am reading aloud Surviving Jamestown: The Adventures of Young Sam Collier. We are anxious to take a trip to Jamestown Settlement this coming week.

I have had a difficult time getting pulled into a book lately. I can't tell you how many I have started, but not finished. I finally found The Year of Fog on my shelf last night and began in earnest. It is a simple enough story, yet heart wrenching. A woman is engaged to a man who has a young daughter. While in her care at the ocean on a foggy day, the little girl disappears. I'm hoping to finish the book quickly and get out of this reading slump.

That is what's in our reading stack. Care to share what you or your children have been reading?
Join in over at Life as MOM for BOOKING IT 2010!


  1. No photo, but I just picked up Persuasion by Jane Austen off the "to read" pile.

  2. I love Jane Austen, but have never read Persuasion. Thanks for sharing! :)

  3. Visiting from Life as Mom's link up. "Mansfield Park" is my favorite Jane Austen novel. I'm also currently reading "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey and "The Lost World" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. TMM is sucking me in, "Lost World" is taking a while. :-)

  4. Hi Carrie! Thanks for stopping by. :) I read TMM last year and it really changed how I look at debt and money in general.

    Happy Reading

  5. "A Year of Fog" sounds interesting. May have to check that one out!

  6. My crew is looking forward to the film How to Train a Dragon after reading the book. The Year of Fog sounds like it would make me sob. Good?

  7. I just finished it last night. It was good. A bit drawn out at times, but there was a lot of talk about the science behind memory and that was interesting to read about.


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