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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Meal Planning: New Goal for 2010

One thing I would like to improve on in 2010 is meal planning. I tend to just wing it every night with whatever ingredients we have on hand. This can be cost effective because I'm not buying large amounts of special items that a certain recipe calls for. However, it can also be costly if I'm not prepared and end up ordering pizza at the last minute.

My goal is to try and post a weekly menu plan each Sunday. I hope that allowing some time for research, I can add some interest to our diet. Since we are a homeschooling family and home for all of our meals, I will also include our breakfast, lunch, and snack ideas.


cereal, granola bars, oatmeal, smoothies, fruit


leftovers, sandwiches, mock ceasar salads (Sully and Owen ask for a salad with lettuce, cut up chicken nuggets, and parmesan cheese), carrots


(I do have these tentatively planned out for each day of the week, but I'm just listing them here. They may get moved around as needed. I'm also not listing the side dishes.)

Creamy Chicken Macaroni (We had this for dinner tonight. I may end up posting the recipe if I get a chance. It was a made-up on the spot dish.)

Made-to-order Omelets

Rocco's Fettuccine Alfredo (found in a recent issue of Runner's Magazine)


fruit (apples and bananas), cheese sticks, yogurt, crackers

♦ Check out more menu plans each Monday over at I'm an Organizing Junkie.

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