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Friday, January 2, 2009

West Virginia - Part 2

Check in time at the cabin was 4:00 p.m. so we were trying to kill some time on the drive. We found this little park in one of the small towns along the way and decided to stop for a bit.

I bet it would have been really neat to see at night with all of the lights on.

The park is situated along this river. Hmmmm - could this perhaps be the same river that our cabin is suppose to be near???

We let the boys play for a little bit and then Chuck took Owen to the bathroom. I then rounded up Sully and Connor and we headed over to use the facilities. We met up with Chuck and Owen along the way. Chuck said, "It's a pit toilet." I said, "Huh?" The second I opened the bathroom door, the stench hit me. The building looked very nice from the outside, but holy smokes! What Chuck called a pit toilet, I just call an outhouse or a non-flushing toilet. I've been in many of those, but this one was bad. I just couldn't bring myself to use it. Neither could Sully or Connor. Don't know how Owen managed!

We hopped back in the van and headed to a nearby McDonald's to use the restrooms and have a snack.

We decided to try and find the cabins and see if it was possible to check in a little early. We found the office easily. It was 3:00 p.m. at this time and our cabin was ready.

The road leading to the cabins was basically a one laner. I have pictures of it that I'll show in another update. You have to cross this "bridge" and after that it gets really narrow. There's no way two cars can pass. And lucky us - right when we were arriving, another car was trying to leave. He pulled over and I saw where we were going to have to pass by him. There was no way in heck we were doing that! The road dropped off to the river below. No thank you. Thankfully, the driver backed up and let us pass. Phew! That's the only time on the trip that we ran into someone on the road.

We found our cabin.
We walked into the cabin and this is what we saw:

The view from our loft:

The cabin was lovely - even nicer than I'd anticipated. The only issue we had was ants. :o There were big, black ants in the house. I've been told they were carpenter ants. And lots of ladybugs. We killed the ants and saved the ladybugs. I really didn't expect ants in the house in winter, but I guess they were going where it was warm.

The fireplace ended up being a gas fireplace, so all of the logs and wood I brought along were for nought. All we had to do was flip a switch and voila! Fire! It would get very warm up in the loft when the fireplace was running.
There was no internet - not that we could detect on our laptop anyway. I never asked. I was totally fine not having internet. I got to finish reading a book.

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